The Image of Bāgh-i Hāreth in Balkh, Based on the Narration of Rabe'a in 'Attar’s Ilahi-Nama

Document Type : Original Research Article


Assistant Professor, School of Architecture and Art, University of Kashan, Iran.


The layout and plan of a garden represent an important part of its characteristics.
The Study of the existing gardens or garden documents is among the main ways to recognize
the different types of gardens. However, many gardens have been demolished and therefore, in
the absence of the mentioned examples, the historical and literary texts could make it possible
to study them. In this regard, the current study aims to rediscover the image of the garden that
'Attar has implicitly described while narrating Rabe'a story. Therefore, the current study seeks
to answer these questions: How is the general layout of bāgh-i Hāreth? and based on the poet’s
descriptions, which of the elements is included in this garden? The article seeks to answer
these questions through the interpretation of the poem’s text and the study on the retrieved
image. In this regard, the mentioned image will be compared with other gardens’ images and
layouts. The result of this study shows that bāgh-i Hāreth consists of two sections, and these
two sections are connected through the garden’s entrance edifice. While the garden has an
exterior and public area located opposite the edifice of Tāq, it also includes a private garden
with a pavilion, an avenue, and a pool. The investigations show that this private garden has
probably had a longitudinal spatial structure, which is similar to the garden described by Abu
Nasr Heravi in the later centuries.


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