Persian Garden, the common language of landscape architecture in India and Iran

Document Type : Review


Ph.D. in Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University of Iran.


The Persian garden is known as one of the most significant styles of gardening and landscape architecture in the world. Persian gardens, also known as Mongolian Gardens, conveyed the methods of instant settlement in a region used by Indian emperors (1526-1707, Babur, Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir and Shah Jahan).The same method was used by Timor in Samarkand and Heart (14th-century) as the new conversion of lifestyle from nomadic life to permanent settlement in the capital. Climatic and cultural Differences in India and Iran lead to the emergence of a new branch of Persian Gardens, i.e. “Water Garden” and “Tomb Garden” -defined by the author- which was mostly appreciated by Mongolian countries .Therefore, the designs of Indian gardens during the mentioned era were directly under the influence of Persian Garden. This research has a historical comparative methodology with the emphasis on the effective factors such as the typology of gardens and socio cultural, political and architectural similarities as a common language between the two countries.
