Health Landscape

Document Type : Review


1 M.A in Architecture, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch of Zanjan, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor,University of Tehran.


From the very beginning of his creation, the man began his life in the nature and the effects of natural elements and joyful gardens have been enjoyed considerably in the beliefs and culture of the public. With today's industrialized societies and declining relationship between human and nature, serious issues concerning physical and psychological conditions of human have been raised. The process of urban and industrial life have left negative effects on all human's physiological, physical and mental processes and many of the problems that the human experiences as anxiety, depression, mental fatigue, etc, stem from it. Long period of time after the establishment of human settlements, healing places were always found to be associated with the elements of nature, sometimes in the form of healing river, sometimes in the form of woodlands or sacred springs or even a cliff with a special cave or a tree that were sacred to the people. Over the time, the idea of healing and healing gardens became propounded. Having helped to establish the relationship between human beings and nature, healing gardens came to help to resolve the spiritual problems of humans. Healing Gardens is an ancient and long-lasting idea and is a place in which the health of human spirit and soul is satisfied through contacting the elements of nature. Construction of healing gardens for patients as a part of the treatment sites goes back to the medieval period, and such gardens have always been a part of the hospitals, hospices, rehabilitation centers and the public recreational sites in recent years. There is a fundamental difference between healing and curing and that is in curing, drug treatment conditions is recommended for the treatment of the patients, while in healing which is a multidimensional process, several factors including psychological and physical factors are considered as well. Psychological factors are associated with spiritual, mental, emotional and social needs. Among these, the Persian garden is regarded as an example of healing landscapes in which through the use of the human senses and through the garden formation patterns, it gives a sense of peace and comfort. Using the senses of sight, hearing, smell and touch to perceive the surrounding environment, the Persian garden provides an environment for human that is free of nervous tensions and stresses and provides the presence in a fancy space for him.
