Aesthetics of Tehran Urban Development

Document Type : Review



An aesthetic look at the beauties of a city will lead to the understanding of its different aspects provided that a clear set of standards are taken into consideration and the flow of life inside the urban structures and the feelings that those structures create also receive an adequate attention. This will further uncover a new aspect of urban beauties in terms of the city landscape – what has so far been rarely brought into the spotlight.      Tehran was gradually developed from the Qajar era through the course of the Pahlavid era. It started its life as a quiet city overlooked by mountains and through which rivers flew. Another key characteristic of the city were the old and quiet alleys. In fact, it was mostly due to these mere natural beauties that Tehran was chosen as the capital city of the country. However, it eventually started to become a populous and busy place.      Nonetheless, Tehran is a vivid and colorful city regardless to the many flaws like a high population and difficulties to keep it clean that have already made life difficult there.  Tehran has numerous sources of beauty most of which are natural like the mountains, trees and parks as well as elements of the old and the new landscapes. In fact, the city has an underlying systematic order in terms of elements of beauty. Also, the co-existence of beauties that belong to the old Tehran with those of the new Tehran has created a unique identity for the big city.   Tehran in its old days had natural and symbolic beauties. However, the appearance of the city changed after it was expanded to host a larger dweller population. The emergence of developments which were the results of modernism also contributed to the change in Tehran’s appearance. Today, the appearance of Tehran is a combination of modernism which has been excessively imported into Iran as well as the elements of nature that have been prevalent from old times.  Nevertheless, what is mostly significant with regards to the modern looks of Tehran are the elements that have been used for the purpose of promoting the city’s beauties. Examples of those elements include artificial lakes and waterfalls, new plantation projects, murals, etc. The present article has assessed all the positive and negative aspects of Tehran’s appearance and has eventually distinguished Iran’s capital city as beautiful, vivid and vibrant. Nevertheless, it has been acknowledged that some external and internal elements have overshadowed Tehran’s beauties. It may be difficult to notice the beauties of Tehran particularly now that the city is surrounded by many concerns and issues. Still, it is always possible to look at things from a different perspective.
