Interactive lighting; The approach of Light Scraper Project

Document Type : Review


M.A. in Landscape Architecture, University of Tehran, Iran.


It is about a century that lighting in the city is considered a field of urban art. Nowadays, urban lighting is being tested pace with technological developments and the introduction of urban social theories in various fields that gives variety to urban landscape. The interactive and participatory design is one of the new areas of urban sociology and urban planning relied on technology which is imported in the field of urban lighting. In this context, the relationship that exists between space and light provides a different perception of light as one of the defining factors of landscape with the audience and entering contact as a factor that plays a role in lighting space.
This paper introduces and analyzes the interactive lighting project “Light Scraper” in Melbourne. In this project the special scope of designer is the significant role of audience in space.  Depending on the movements, the media scenes and special music will be created tailored to the space, so that it shapes the audience as the third factor in urban space lighting which impresses the public space form that challenges of citizen understanding of space and city in different scales and dimensions.
Interactive design that emphasizes on relationship between the project and the audience and their interactive dialog, attracts the audience to participate in creating the space and add variety to it. Therefore, the diversity of audiences is considered as an appropriate approach for creating dynamic urban spaces.
 “Light scraper” project with providing a context for attracting participants of audiences and converting their movements in to light and sound have created a space in which the audience will figure out the importance of his presence in the space. This approach will help in creating vitality, space legibility, excitement and create the memorial role of the city.
