The impact of integration policy on urban landscape

Document Type : Review


M.A in Urban design, Islamic Azad University, Science and research branch, Tehran, Iran.


The experts of city scopes affiliate the current city landscape with different social, cultural, political, economical, natural, climatic and ecological factors. These factors affect city landscape indirectly, while administrative policies and regulations of urban management which are mostly declared as principals and rules affect and transform city landscape directly and rapidly. One of the administrative regulations and policies is integration which affects the city landscape due to urban morphology.
  The rapid growth of migration to Tehran in 40s and unplanned development has lead to new condition in morphology of Tehran. Agricultural and arid land division in the suburban areas has created a fine fabric in most parts of the city and has lead to further horizontal developments.
This issue was discussed in proceeding decades after the increase of population (demand growth) and emersion of obstacle in Tehran development (lack of infrastructure and urban facilities). Therefore, infill development became a challenge in urban management.
As a result, integration was used and applied widely due to integration challenge as the main devices in urban development management. Different rules, incentives, and many great activities of the Congress, state and municipal made the integration policy a dominant behavior in the construction of fine fabrics.
But the question is can this policy be Accountable for all aspects of city development? Or it is just trying to meet housing needs and improve the quality of housing? How had integration policies and rules improved living quality in cities?  Has the urban landscape ever been concerned with the laws and policies?
Urban integration with various incentives, special rules and diverse guidelines was promoted in Tehran in as a policy to improve fine fabrics and increase their constructions.
This device offers unique capabilities to improve urban landscape quality in large-scale, it can also improve urban legibility as well. Preparation and adoption of standards and guidelines convey the developments towards this goal can improve the quality of urban city landscape. So this is an effective device in micro level functionality, rather than a macro level in case design rules substantially change the urban landscape and create legibility. This paper tries to explain that in spite of promoting integration policies for achieving land reproduction, this device doesn’t provide a good quality in city landscape. Therefore, the reasons for promoting integration rules will be explained and the causes of inefficiency in the urban landscape will be discussed while the role of integration in urban development policies is explained.
