From the Current Nature to the Historical Nature; Critique on Alain Provost’s Style in landscape Design

Document Type : Review


M.A in Landscape Architecture, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


Post modernism was initiated as a logical result of resenting modernists anti-native policies of in the 60s. Postmodernists considered the context, geography, history and culture of every event of the society as the most important factors in defining identity. In the field of landscape architecture, since Land Art movements in the 60s, the contextualists have taken the quality of geographic features of the site into consideration. There was wide range of attention to the European classic art of gardening since the early 80s and the French garden became the sample for many landscape architects of the country. Undoubtedly, there was a sense of pride for French history in these approaches. The gardens were not valuable only for their open spaces, but also for their fertility. Basically, gardening was of a great value in the French history and the gardeners were engaged in the court. The vivid role of Versailles Nationale Superieured’ Horticulture Ecole in the revival of this art cannot be taken for granted; a school which educated well known landscape architects such as Alain Provost. Alain Provost is unquestionably unique among landscape architects who are influenced by historical gardening. He has reused the historic French landscape and created the first postmodern Andre Citroen Park in the world in the 60s by impressible naturalist approaches of their time and being influenced by British gardening that had a tendency toward organic creations. The track of historic influence can be found in both physical and symbolic aspects of his design. The reason for this change of approach can be sought in his academic education in Versailles Nationale Superieured’ Horticulture Ecole. The significant factors of French gardening such as topiary, playing with water and predominant geometric order are the prevailing aspects of his designs that have been modernized in his special way. Alain Provost has been influenced by minimalism with the idea of eliminating the unnecessary, but in contrary to minimalists he doesn’t ignore the external elements such as the history of the region and uses historical elements in his designs as identical symbols; the symbols that reminds the Parisian favorite originality and demonstrates their magnificent history. He just excludes the luxury, exaggeration and antiquity and replaces them with modern materials. In his contexualism approach, the cultural aspects are prevailing and the historical landscape elements have an objective impact on revitalizing the cultural features of historical landscape in every urban landscape. Provost’s projects are perfect examples of continuity of landscape throughout history. The classic form of French gardens have been transited through time and influenced by diverse events to be expressed in a modern way. The French gardens are fully accomplished in the city gardens by Alain Provost.
